Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Quiet Time

One of the new and unexpected parts of my day is quiet time. Noah, for about a week and some has been having morning naps which last anywheres past an hour. This was so unexpected a turn of events that I still haven't really decided what to do with my time. Living in a one bedroom condo and Noah being a "quiet" sleeper, I can't really do housework. Not that I am complaining. I have been forced to do things for me and it's real nice. I read my favorite blogs, catch up on FACEBOOK land, and have even read a few books. It's awesome! Not that it is draining being his mom, but it is pretty renewing and refreshing to have this time where I am not worrying about feeding, changing, cleaning or putting to sleep. It's kinda nice to have these moments to read the latest Stanford novel and think to myself, "I hate these books - why do I keep reading them."


PS...One of my favorite passtimes bb (before baby) was reading books, hating the endings and throwing the book when I finished it. That is not a metaphor or anything...I literally take great joy in throwing a stupid-ending book across the room.'s good to have a little piece of me back.

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