Monday, June 14, 2010

Crying It Out

I have learnt a lot since becoming a mom and not all of it has to do with parenting. Right from when labour started there was a suttle shift in my perception of others and the choices they make. I used to have such strong opinions about everything and was rarely accepting of others if it differed from my own or what I deemed appropriate. Sounds mean I guess...but I kept it to myself for the most part - I rarely will challenge someone if I think they are wrong. Like alot of people, I will just think they are wrong and move on - naturally assuming all the while that I am right and they are wrong.

Labour changed that in me. I had (and still do to some extent) very strong feelings about how babies should be brought into this world and how much intervention is too much. In my opinion before - most intervention is too much. Having had a difficult labour which lasted just shy of 100 hours I had to make certain decisions that would allow me to continue. I had an epidural at around the 80 hour mark hoping that it would give me the strength to continue for the birth. I had sworn up and down that I would never have an epidural or drugs of any kind put in my body.

When I made my judgements, was I being naive? I like to think not - but obviously the situation we were in made me change my mind on a topic I felt/feel strongly about.

Today's Candace looks differently on these questions. Though my brain is quick to judge, my heart knows that each family must make the decisions that are right for them. I am proud of myself that I can now see that. Who am I to judge?

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