Friday, May 28, 2010


One of the funniest and unexpected parts of motherhood is how busy I am. Yet if someone asks me what I have been up to, the answer is almost always ‘nothing.’ It’s not that I do nothing…I guess it is more that I don’t think the real answer will be very interesting. I play with my son. We sing, dance, exercise (him, not me!), play, sleep, eat and so on.

I find it a very simple happiness to watch him develop new skills. Currently he is discovering his feet and I can and have watched him play for hours.

We have company now, my mother and sister and law and so after nursing they take Noah and visit. Not only do I feel a sense of emptiness, but I am lonely and bored as hell! So weird. My house is clean though and dinner is fun to make with no distractions, but oddly – I sometimes hope that he will have a meltdown and need his mommy so I can take him back.

Friday, May 21, 2010


I’ve known love. All my life I have known love. But to know love as a parent is something so different and all consuming that it makes me lose my breath. I stare at my baby boy and think no one could love as much as this, right now. How many millions of parents have thought this exact same thing?

I get it now. I understand.

I cherish the few moments I get to myself each day – but even as the steaming hot shower beats down on me, I am thinking of my precious baby.

In the wee hours of the night I run through our day. Was he happy? What can I do better tomorrow?