Friday, January 29, 2010

Ready or not...

So, week 39 has come and is quickly passing! What a week it has been. I had my regular doctors appointment yesterday morning and it led to a crazy, emotional day. The Dr. thought the baby turned breech. The heartbeat was in a much different spot, she couldn't feel the head and the shape and feel of my stomach had greatly changed. Being a first time mom - when she voiced her concerns I immediately told her that the baby had moved the day before and it was quite painful.

You may guess where this led. I got the talk re: cesarean. Are you kidding me? After everything - to be having that discussion - while Tim wasn't even there - was blowing my mind. I was told that there would be an emergency ultrasound to determine position but to start thinking about my options. Options included booking a date for surgery, trying to turn the baby manually and/or attempting to deliver breech IF one of 2 Dr's who can deliver breech babies happened to be working that day.

I left in a daze. I didn't want to freak out because part of me thought she might be wrong, that I would know if the baby had moved that much! Regardless, telling Tim what took so long proved to be quite emotional. He just held my hand and assured me that we would get through this, just like everything else. Then we were silent for hours as we waited for the ultrasound.

30 seconds into the ultrasound I saw the telltale round skull when the tech was scanning down low. The sigh of relief was audible. Once the tech finished, Tim was brought in and he was equally relieved when he saw my face. Crisis averted.

Other than that craziness, I feel great. Taking the time off work has been awesome! I have time to do little projects and get in lots of naps. I hear they are harder to come by once kids enter the picture.

Later gators!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Long Overdue!

Many months ago I talked about the nursery and all the hard work we put into it. I was going to post photo’s – but unfortunately our cord that connects the camera to the computer broke. A friend came through with a cord last week (by chance she had the same camera – which broke, but she never threw out the cord) so here we are.

I’ll just post the photos, hopefully in order and you can enjoy!

I'll be back tomorrow with an update...I see the doc in the morning so I figured I would wait in case she has anything interesting to say.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Week 38

Middle of the night pee breaks: 4-5: every 2 hours
Pounds Gained: 0 (3rd week with no gain, woot woot!)
Blood Pressure: 120/80 Been the exact same measurement at every appointment
General Disposition: Definitely crabbier
Major Cravings: Sausage: Why do I keep craving meat???
# Items left to do on "List of things to do before baby comes": Very few…
# times I have cried this week: 0
Tums consumed in one day: at least 10

So what’s new? A lot! We are officially term and can have this baby any day now. This thought really helped us get the rest of our ‘to do’ list done. We even packed the baby’s bag for the hospital last night. Okay – mine isn’t done yet, but I don’t have cute little outfits with matching hats that are fun to fold, re-fold and fold again until they sit just right on the bottom of the diaper bag. If only I was kidding.

Baby is doing great. Heartbeat is good and actually the doctor commented last week that she thinks the baby is going to be a big one! Not surprising to me or anyone I tell really – especially considering how enormous I am (if you love me, you will tell me it’s all belly).

I am doing so so. I am officially over my happy go lucky pregnant lady routine. I am so swollen I don’t recognize my legs or feet. I ache…literally. Both wrist have carpel tunnel, both hips are so loose that when I stand up I have to rest for a minute to give them time to adjust so I can walk, and the legs…don’t even get me started. Okay – done complaining. I slather myself in oils, take baths and try to rest up (Tim might disagree with that last statement).

Okay, but for one second can we please talk about how excited I am!?! Our baby is coming soon!!!!!!!!

We did the first part of our birthing class last weekend and have the follow up end of course this Sunday. We were a bit worried about the course (it’s pretty hippy dippie) – but in the end could not be happier about how it turned out. Tim and I are doing all we can for a natural, undedicated childbirth and this course has already helped prepare us.

Don’t know when I will be back…but I will.

Until then,

Candee and Baby

Where have I been?

I have been away from blog land for some time now. I have a lot of excuses and thankfully they are pretty legitimate. Our computer had some parts break which made it inoperable – so we had to order some from Dell which took some time. Secondly and more importantly, our dog Princess became very ill. We noticed she was not herself last Monday and called the vet. They could not see her until the next day – but we didn’t worry too much. Things went downhill very quickly from that point on.

Besides signs of depression and no appetite, Princess was vomiting profusely and had constant diarrhea. Part of the major concern was that they were both very bloody. They started a series of tests which included blood work and x-rays. She was hospitalized for several days and was on IV fluids and antibiotics. At first they were concerned that she has swallowed a foreign object – but the blood tests showed that she had hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. That is a fancy way of saying the above was caused by a bacteria. Thankfully we had her in to the vet right away because she could have gone into shock and had a much worse outcome.

Though she was hospitalized during the day – we had the option of watching her ourselves at night instead of admitting her to the emergency hospital for night care. As worried as we were – I decided to take over her “nursing”. It was hard because we had to water her from a syringe and forget eating. She was still…ummmm….expelling at both ends. I slept on the couch and woke up when she got sick to comfort her and try to clean the mess (which was insane!!!).

After she came home she was put on several different antibiotics. It took about 3 days to get her to eat her own food again (I think she was scared it would come back out so violently). Also, the vet had suggested scramble eggs until her stomach was fully settled. I think Princess got really used to the eggs. She could eat 3 in one sitting!

Needless to say, Princess is doing so much better. She has her spirit back – which also means she is back to causing trouble! Although she is much skinnier than we like – which is hard considering she was only 10 pounds to begin with – she is doing great! We rented a carpet cleaner and Tim was so great to clean the carpets…several times each! He also got down on hands and knees to scrub the floors. So our house is now illness free.

I’ll be back this afternoon with a mommy and baby post!


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Week 36 Update

This has been a great week! Check out these stats…

Middle of the night pee breaks: 3-4, usually every 2.5 hours or so
Pounds Gained: 0 (Thank the Lord! Say it with me people!)
Blood Pressure: Good
General Disposition: Depends who is talking to me
Major Cravings: None
# Items left to do on "List of things to do before baby comes": 10-15
# times I have cried this week: 1
Steps to getting out of bed at night: down from 12 to maybe 3 and no “ouches”
Tums consumed in one day: at least 5

So what’s new? A lot! I had a baby shower on Sunday and it was super fun. Everyone was so generous and the baby (and Mommy and Daddy) totally got spoiled. On Monday Tim and I did some shopping for some last minute items that we’ll need incase the baby comes. We also finally got our car seat and stroller after months of my indecision. The trick is to bring a man with you.

Then I find out that the stroller is a traditional gift by the Cox Aunts, Uncles and Dad and Karen. I didn’t believe it at first – too good to be true and all that – but Dad called and confirmed! So I was very happy and my week of feeling so blessed continued…

The baby is big now…probably measuring over the 6 pound mark and still around 20 inches long. That’s like a real little baby! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! As you can probably tell – I (we) are getting real excited to meet our little one. Most everything I think, say or do somehow relates back to the baby. I am sure my pod mates are ready for me to start mat leave already.

I feel great. I am still tired but I am using up my holidays at work and that has been helping a bit. Afternoons are the worst. Not only do I have to stay awake at work – but I have to try and be productive! Speaking of which…I should go.

Be back soon,
Candee and Baby